Requesting an estimate

To request an estimate for a service, it is advisable to contact the Studio, personally or through the phone numbers or email addresses you can find in the Contacts section (please click here), in order to arrange an appointment with the Notary.

In any case, you may use the following form in order to obtain a rough estimation of the costs of a notarial deed.

Indeed, the amount of such costs depends on many variables, such as the consideration and, in general, the value of the transactions, the cadastral value of the real estate assets and the type of deed. This information is necessary to calculate, in particular, the fiscal cost of the deed itself.

Filling in the available information in the section “Notes”, you can help us to prepare an estimate. If needed, our assistants will contact you for further clarifications.

Applicant data
Surname / Company Name *
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
tax code
Control Code *
The code displayed is the distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters.
The information marked with a * are required.

I consent to the processing of my personal data

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