
After the death of a person, the law prescribes a series of complicated rules aiming at ensuring continuity in the ownership of goods, rights and obligations of the dead person. The support of an expert is fundamental in such circumstances; firstly, in order to fully understand what are the legal and fiscal effects of the inheritance, considering that, among other issues, not all the rights and legal relationships outlive the dead and, in any case, not all with the same legal regime. Secondly, the support of a Notary is very important for giving – in accordance with the limits set out by law – a particular direction to your own patrimony for the time following your death, both by means of immediately effective deeds and of a will.

The latter is surely a very sensitive and personal deed, and it often occurs that the testator, being unaware of the formal and substantial rules which regulate it, decides to perform it autonomously, thus risking invalidity and/or contributing to long-lasting litigations between the heirs.

All of this may be avoided thanks to the advice of a Notary and, as one may easily guess, the cost of the latter is far lower than the ones potentially brought about by a legal dispute.

Regarding this matter, you may perform the following operations, among others, at the Studio:

  • “Family Agreement” for the generational transfer of businesses/shares;
  • Trust;
  • Public Will;
  • Secret Will;
  • Acceptance and Refusal of inheritance;
  • Publication of holographic will;
  • Declaration of succession, for fiscal purposes.

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