The Studio

With a history spanning over thirty years, the Studio Notarile Associato Gambacorta is a reference point for the public not only in the City of Sansepolcro but also in the entire Valtiberina, the Province of Arezzo and beyond.

The Studio can rely on the work of two Notaries assisted by an expert and competent staff. The Studio offers all standard notary services with the utmost reliability and professionalism, in order to ensure that all issues are resolved and customers’ needs are satisfied in the most efficient possible manner, both from a substantial and a fiscal point of view.

All the procedures are directly followed by the Notaries with the assistants’ support, both before and after the stipulation.

Furthermore, the Studio offers support in English, both from the Notary and the assistants, in each and every phase of the notarial procedure. Support in other languages (such as French and Russian, for example) is also possible thanks to the availability of internal and external collaborators.

The Studio provides its service also at Notary Andrea Gambacorta’s Secondary Office in Arezzo, via XXV Aprile, n. 6, 5th floor

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